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Who is DanceAble for?

DanceAble - a dance class for special needs individuals.

Integrative / Special Needs dance is for any child ages 6+ with special learning differences. 


Why DanceAble

DanceAble strives to focus on each student’s personal growth objectives.

Our goal is come alongside you as their caregiver, as well as the other professionals participating in their care and use dance to assist in reaching milestones in a fun and productive way. 

At our dance studio, we understand the importance of play in development. We also know having a peer group to socialize with is very beneficial. We are excited to provide these opportunities to students!

DanceAble is a specialized program at Allegro Performing Arts Academy for any student with special learning differences.          

Including, but not limited to, students with down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autism.  DanceAble wants to provide an     environment where every learning style is represented (visual, physical, auditory, and somatosensory). 

Our vision is to make this a well-rounded class that provides a gateway to a more inclusive setting.

Want to know if DanceAble dance classes is right fit for your child? Please feel free to contact us by phone, email, or come to our dance studio! We would love to see if our program fits your needs!

DanceAble dance classes for special needs uses specially developed dance steps to assist students in a variety of developmental disciplines including: 

*Sensory Input*Behavioral Development*Development Domains*Alignment/Posture*Core Strength*Balance*Proximal Stability*Endurance*Praxis*Emotions*Following Directions*Memory/Retention*Spatial Awareness


What to Expect?

Every class will follow the same basic schedule

10min - Free Play/Virtual Activities, 5min - Clean up / Set up , 5min - Rhythm lesson, 5min - Warm Up, 5min- Brain Dance, 5 min choreography, 5 min game time

5min - Performance & Stickers

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