Get Your Healthy On!
ATTENTION: It’s attack of the flu season and time to start taking precautions! As dancers it is easy for us to transmit the flu from one...
I started dancing at 14 - A blog series for teens!
What is your relationship with fear? Do you allow it trap you? Or does it fuel you? It is easy to allow opportunities to pass you by out...
Our Responsibilities to Youth Dancers: Chapter 2 - Protecting their bodies
I have been quiet for far too long and I would like to start spreading the word about youth dancers and how we, as educators, need to be...
Our Responsibilities to Youth Dancers: Chapter 1-Appropriate Music
Chapter One- Appropriate music I have been quiet for far too long and I would like to start spreading the word about youth dancers and...
Make a List
You always are told that you hear more NO’s than YES’s in the dance world and that is very true unfortunately. We are also critiqued...
Performance Priorities!
Have you ever thought about your performance priorities? You might be wondering what I mean by that. Ok… simply put, how would you...
If they can't learn the way we teach...
“If they can’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn” Every person learns in a different way. I came across this awesome...
The Importance of Training
No matter what style of dance you are focused on (hip hop, jazz, lyrical, ballet, tap) training is an essential part of your success....
Practice methods... with or without technology?
Thank goodness for technology in the dance world! Obviously, we wouldn’t be where we are without it, but sometimes parts of technology...
Dancers - To college or not to college?
To College or Not to College… That is the Question So if you were to ask me, “Karla, do think I should go to college”? I would say YES…...